Day 50 - Post #16: The War of the Ring!

On Saturday Devin was able to play his first board game since his accident. Our good friends and proprietors of gave Devin a cool new board game called "War of the Ring" and his friend Alex came over to try it out... It was the longest time Devin has spent awake and focused on anything and he has paid for it since then - he has been feeling pretty wiped out.

Devin has started to read a little, which is very encouraging given the problems with his eyesight, and he continues to work on regaining range of motion in his left leg as a part of his recovery from the broken femur. He cannot lift his leg by himself, so help is required for him to do this and with the various other things going on, that is one that does not happen as much as it needs to, but as often as possible under the circumstances. He also continues to have a type of massage therapy on his left leg and right toes designed to help his damaged nerves heal such that normal sensations return, and also to relieve him of the constant cramping that he has in his left foot. Cramps in your calves and feet can be very painful as anyone who has experienced them knows very well... Imagine not being able to do anything at all to get the cramping muscle to stop.

He has been able to eat some solid foods, but never much before he begins to feel sick. He has thrown up a few times a week since leaving the hospital and his daily caloric intake is only 20-30 percent what what it should be. He has lost about 90% of his muscle mass which equates to a little over 30 percent of his total body weight and so far has not started to regain any of it back (it is hard to imagine how he could loose more weight). The time from injury to when he can start his rehabilitation will be so long that he will need to relearn much of what comes automatically for most people regarding balance and motion. That phase will not start for 2-3 more months.

Devin continues to have a good attitude even with all of the ups and downs and we continually focus on keeping the mood light. Our family is very grateful for those that have been able to help and for those that have taken time to pray for Devin. The many challenges associated with this type of situation is more than most people can imagine - the support we have received has been helpful and much needed. Thank you.

You can email Devin at

I've heard that some people were having trouble sending to, so I have created an additional account:

There has been little change since the last post, but Devin seems to get just a little better every day. The healing process for his injuries will take time, and for a 14 year old that is bedridden, time certainly seems to move slowly, however Devin is handling this situation so much better than anyone could expect. His family is doing great but a bit tired. There are just so many things involved with taking care of anyone in this condition and the lack of sleep is taking a toll. The opportunity to serve brother/son has been a blessing even though this family has always been close (the biggest argument in this house is who loves who the most), it has helped to teach the important lesson of serving others and the joy that can bring into your own life.

If you have questions about anything specific, you can include those questions in your emails.

Day 39 - Post #16 - Devin's First Day Outside and first trip back to the Hospital

On Tuesday, with the help of friends, we were able to get Devin into a reclining wheelchair and take him outside! Just in time too because it started raining Wednesday and hasn't stopped yet ;-)

It took 5 people to safely move Devin from his bed to the wheelchair and about 25 minutes from the time we started until he was actually outside. His stomach still gets queasy very easily, and he went pale with just the movement from the bed to the wheelchair even though the move was very smooth. We waited several minutes before going down the ramp, then waited another several minutes - and so on... But it was worth the effort! Devin really enjoyed being in the sun if only for a relatively short time, and as an additional bonus he got to watch his Mom and Dad to some yard work and not have to help (although I think for the first time ever, he might not have minded helping...)

Today Devin had his first return trip to Harborview Medical Center. He had the neck of his left femur x-rayed to see how it was healing, and the doctors said it looked great. He could start rehab if it weren't for his other injuries. He also had his right arm x-rayed. The doctor said that they were going to have to re-break it because the positioning of the two ends of the break did not heal in proper alignment, but after more consultation with other doctors they decided not to do anything yet and see how it feels after a while and see if he is able to regain full range of motion in his wrist, so I guess time will tell... They removed his fiberglass cast and replaced it with a removable cast and gave him some hand and wrist PT exercises for his right hand/wrist/arm...

PT in some fashion takes up much of his waking hours every day. He can do very little on his own at this point, so his family helps him as much as possible. We all want to help give him the best chances of a full recovery as is possible.

Through all of the pain, suffering and bed ridden boredom, Devin has really demonstrated all of the characteristics of a true hero. I read a quote of Hellen Keller once that read "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." I don't know if this experience is in some ways helping to shape his character or merely making it more clear for others to see or perhaps a little of both but I can say that he has been an inspiration to all who have had the privilege to spend time with him over this past month.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed for Devin's recovery.

Sending messages to Devin

Several people have sent messages to Devin while in the hospital, however he is no longer able to get messages sent via the Harborview site. We setup an email account for those of you that wish to send Devin a message:

Costs related to Devin's injury have exceeded several thousand dollars so far (above and beyond what the insurance company has paid), please help - every dollar makes a difference.