Week 15 - Children's Hospital

A lot has happened since the last post, but getting time to write it down is another story...

Devin is now in Children's Hospital in Seattle, where he will be starting rehab today. We don't know yet how long he will be there, most likely 2-4 weeks. We are still very hopeful that his feet and ankles will respond well to the rehab and he will regain the use of them again. After 15 weeks, he has still not been able to stand up, even with assistance. He will hopefully be able to stand up in chest deep water with assistance soon.

Last week we learned that the neck of his left femur has not healed and the two parts of his femur are not even in contact with each other. There is a gap of about an eighth of an inch. The doctors are concerned that this will cause problems for the hip joint and were discussing surgery either a hip replacement or a bone graft. They have decided to give it more time in the hopes that once he starts to put some weight on it, it will push the bones together and they will heal. This doesn't even seem like a remote possibility, but we are still hopeful.

Looks like Christmas in the hospital this year. That should be memorable.